Butea Superba Plant

Butea Superba

What is Butea Superba?

Found in the hills of Thailand, a natural compound is definitely creating a worldwide sexual sensation. It is called Butea Superba, and it has a molecular structure that makes it a natural PDE 5 inhibitor making it a perfect natural male enhancer.

The research and development behind identifying the many benefits of this wonder compound was discovered and documented by award winning scientist. Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart.

Butea Superba, or locally known as Red Kwao Krua in Thailand is a plant herb in the family Papilonaceae. This plant has the characteristics of being a crawling vine that wraps itself around large trees. Many species of this plant exist. Through an arduous research effort two species were selected for commercial cultivation. They are used for medical research, health supplements as well as for beauty treatment.

Although there are chemical similarities to Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) these two plants are very diverse in their chemical attributes. With the research effort it has been established that Butea Superba does facilitate vasodilation in the utilizing similar mechanisms as the prescription drug rejuvenate herb. Subjects also report an increase of energy without an increase in nervous system stimulation. Butea Superba has been used safely with no known side effects. According to research, this herb can be utilized as a mild alternative aphrodisiac.

New Miracle Herb

One branch has 3 leaves and the flowers are of a yellowish orange color. This plant grows in the open and the long roots of the plant are buried under the ground, similar to the roots of a yam. The roots of the mature plant are 8 to 9 inches long before they turn into tubers in the shape of elephant tusks. On cutting, the tubers reveal many red fibers and leaks red sap. This type of plant reproduces through seeds and the separation of its roots.

Found mainly in Thailand, Butea Superba can be found in the forests of the northern and eastern regions, and along Kanchanaburi province. The roots and stem of the plant are medicines used for strength and power for centuries, and it has been revered as a health tonic.

The Man behind Butea Superba

Dr Wichai Cherdshewasart is a biomedical researcher at the prestigious Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, identified the active component of the Butea Superba, and provided the actual supporting scientific data and clinical tests, that confirmed its natural ability to dramatically improve erectile function.

Dr Wichai, as he is known, has numerous scientific degrees, but he is really considered an Ethnopharmacologist. Ethnopharmacology is the study the biological properties of plants and plant components as potential medicinal remedies. Many valuable drugs in the world today (taxol, atropine, ephedrine, tubocurarine, digoxin, morphine, guanidine, physostigmine) came to use through the study of indigenous plant remedies. The world’s largest pharmaceutical companies employ many ethno pharmacologists and chemists who continue to use plant-derived drugs as prototypes which they can then bring to market the synthetic derivative.

Through his research Dr Wichai developed a unique extraction and preparation process while identified and isolating the unique active component in Butea Superba that makes it such an effective compound for erectile function issues. Currently “Dr. Wichai” is a Professor in the Biology department at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, often referred to as “The Harvard of Thailand”, for its high academic standards and the accomplishments of its faculty.

Dr. Wichai began his research on Butea Superba in 1991, first by traveling all over rural parts of northern Thailand to search for and identify the best, most potent strains of Butea Superba. He achieved this through examining botanical characteristics, chemical analysis, consumption history, toxicology testing, as well as laboratory and non human clinical trails. In 1998, King Bhumibol of Thailand appointed him to Thailand’s National Board of Biosafety, a group which concerns with protecting and preserving the natural plants that are found only in Thailand. The international organization Greenpeace praised his efforts to ban genetically modified foods from Thailand in one of their recent high-profile international campaigns.

Science Study

Dr. Wichai has astounded the scientific community with his discovery. His breakthrough discovery is no accident. He has spent over 12 years researching, studying and testing Butea Superba both out in the jungles of Thailand and his laboratory. In 2003 his landmark human clinical trial was presented to the scientific community for the first time. It was instantly met with rave reviews and praise. He work was quickly validated by leading scientific and medical journals around the world. In 2004, he was nominated for the Royan Institutes prestigious International Biomedical Researcher of the Year Award. This is an annual prize for the outstanding research in reproductive biomedicine and Ethnopharmacology.

In 1999, a research team at Ramathibodi Hospital got together with the team from the Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine. It was financially supported by the Thai Traditional Medicine Foundation and technical support from Department of Medical Sciences at the Ministry of Public Health. The team started animal testing trials for acute and semi-chronic toxicology of Butea Superba produced by Dr. Cherdshewasart. The data obtained will be used in the future in designing the clinical testing on humans.

Men from all over Thailand and other parts of the orient travel great distances to head for the hills of Thailand in search of the Butea Superba plant. As a result of this activity the Thailand government is stepping up its efforts to crack down on Butea Superba poachers and is considering a ban on the plant’s export to prevent piracy to foreign countries.

Butea Superba or Red Kwao Krua has demonstrated multiple health benefits in several studies concentrating on its benefits toward male health. Derived from clonal selection, the cultivar with the highest flavonoid and flavonoid glycosides have been selected and grown via organic farming.

The raw extract from the root of Butea Superba contains flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides demonstrating comparable benefit as that of any commercial male enhancing pill, without any of the side effects. Studies have showed that high flavonoid and flavonoid glycoside content may support blood flow to male genitals, may promote normal sexual function and erectile capacity, enhances sensitivity and performance.

Rejuvenating Herb

Studies also revealed a strong vasodilatation effect, via the production of nitric oxide. Enzymatic tests have shown Butea Superba to be a potent inhibitor of c-AMP Phosphodiesterase which reacts directly at the corpus cavernosum in the penis enhancing blood flow to that area creating a more frequent, longer lasting, stronger male sexual arousal period.

Root Power of Butea Superba!

Butea Superba is used as a sex enhancer in Asia by middle-aged and older men as a tonic and virility enhancer. One human trial shows Butea Superba can improve erectile function in males (see below). Studies done on rodents showed that when Butea Superba (the frondosa koen species) was given to male rats, they mounted female rats more often and they also ejaculated more frequently. In addition, the roots and stem of the plant are considered to help increase male sexual performance. Thus, this plant has come to be known as a miracle herb. Since Butea Superba helps to enhance human health, it was considered to be an essential factor to entity the chemical constituents of this herb.

One study indicates that Butea Superba has some anticholinesterase activity. This would mean that Butea Superba can increase levels of acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholine is known to be involved with erectile function and memory. While White Kwao Krua has business potentials for females, Red Kwao Krua seems to have such commercial promises for males that it has been called the “Rejuvenating herb”.

Another study shows that Butea Superba works primarily by increasing the relaxation capacity of the corpus cavernous smooth muscles (which are the two chambers in the penis) via cAMP phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibition and it also is believed to act on the brain by actually triggering the improvement of the emotional sexual response. PDE 5 is often called the “erection killing” enzyme in your body. PDE 5 sole job is to deflate erections. Men who have trouble achieving and maintaining an erection most often it is because of the PDE 5 enzyme has not been neutralized. The longer the PDE 5 enzyme can be neutralized the longer erections last, the easier it is for erections to occur and the more the chambers of the penis can expand thereby increasing the size, quality, fullness, firmness and frequency of erections. No other natural compound can do this.

Animal studies on 10 middle-aged male rats force-fed for 10 days with 4 mg/kg of Butea Superba showed no short-term abnormality. Human studies on 3 male volunteers (age 20 to 55) receiving up to 1.6 g/day of Butea Superba for 2 months showed dramatic penile responses such as induction and elevation of early morning erection, erection frequency, penis strength, prolongation of erection, post-ejaculation erection, and intercourse frequency. The response was found to be dose-dependent, while a few volunteers felt neck ache and backache.

Flavonoids Function

Flavonoids, or bioflavonoids, are a ubiquitous group of polyphenolic substances that are present in most plants and herbs, concentrating in seeds, fruit skin or peel, bark, and flowers. A great number of plant medicines contain flavonoids, which have been reported by many authors as having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-mutagenic, anti-viral, anti-neoplastic, anti-thrombotic, and vasodilatory actions. With an amazing array of over 6,000 different substances found in virtually all plants and herbs, flavonoids are responsible for many of the plant colors that dazzle us with their brilliant shades of yellow, orange, and red.

Topically or Orally

Researchers and academics had found that Butea Superba products could be in both forms – ingest product such as a health food product and a topical application product such as a gel product. The delivery of Butea Superba can be through oral ingestion capsule or extracts from this herb can be formulated into gel form for external application.


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While every care is taken in the production of this information sheet, the publisher, editor and writers do not assume any responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions arising thereof. The information contained therein is for reference only. Readers should seek the advice of appropriate qualified physicians and healthcare professionals about their health or medical condition. The material contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher and/or copyright holder.


A team of health professionals from Business Concept & Development. (The Beauty Nation Pte Ltd) a consultancy focusing on companies dealing with natural medicines, rejuvenating herb, and herbal supplements. Publisher/copyright holder: The Beauty Nation Pte Ltd. Supplement to www.vitroman.com not to be copied, print, or sold separately.

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