Cistanche Deserticola

Cistanche Deserticola

Cistanche Deserticola Overview

Cistanche deserticola, primarily produced in Xinjiang and the Alxa region of Inner Mongolia, can also be found in Gansu and Ningxia. It is a parasitic plant that grows on the roots of desert trees such as Haloxylon ammodendron, absorbing nutrients and water from its host. Known as the "Ginseng of the Desert," it has significant medicinal value and is a renowned traditional Chinese medicinal herb.

Benefits and Effects of Cistanche Deserticola

1. Kidney Tonic and Aphrodisiac

Cistanche deserticola is sweet and warm in nature, with benefits for kidney health and sexual vitality. Long-term consumption can increase physical strength, enhance endurance, combat fatigue, and improve sexual function and fertility.

2. Nourishing Essence and Marrow

It helps in nourishing the essence and marrow, improving conditions caused by deficiency of vital essence, such as back pain, tinnitus, and insomnia.

3. Blood Nourishment and Moistening Dryness

Cistanche deserticola nourishes the blood and moistens dryness, making it suitable for conditions like dry skin and constipation caused by blood deficiency or lack of bodily fluids.

4. Longevity and Anti-Aging

It aids in delaying aging, boosting immunity, and enhancing memory, contributing to longevity and overall health.

Pharmacological Effects

Since the 1980s, extensive research has been conducted on the components of Cistanche deserticola both domestically and internationally. Early studies in Japan and advances in extraction and detection technologies have identified numerous compounds, including phenylethanoid glycosides, iridoids, lignans, polysaccharides, various amino acids, and alkaloids. Among these, total phenylethanoid glycosides are the primary active ingredients, known for their effects on enhancing male sexual function, treating female infertility due to cold uterus, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, immune boosting, and improving memory.

1. Boosting Immunity

Cistanche deserticola can stimulate the pituitary and adrenal cortex, or mimic the action of adrenal cortex hormones, regulating the body's immune function. Its high polysaccharide content plays a significant role in its strengthening and restorative effects.

2. Anti-Aging

In 1993, the international medical community highlighted the longevity of the residents in Chaganhar, Alxa, China. Investigations revealed that the locals' diet, which includes Cistanche deserticola, contributed to their health and longevity. It is commonly added to lamb stews and homemade wines.

3. Treating Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Historical texts from the Tang dynasty describe its efficacy in maintaining male vitality. Modern medicine confirms that Cistanche deserticola, rich in amino acids, cystine, vitamins, and minerals, benefits male reproductive organs, improves sperm vitality and quality, and effectively treats erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

4. Combating Fatigue

Cistanche deserticola supports the kidney, the source of physical energy, helping to counteract fatigue from prolonged activity. It promotes the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, speeds up recovery, and enhances physical performance by reducing lactic acid buildup and accelerating its clearance.

5. Liver Protection

It offers protective effects against myocardial ischemia, lowers blood lipids, combats atherosclerosis and thrombosis, reduces peripheral vascular resistance, lowers blood pressure, fights fatty liver, and has anti-tumor properties.

6. Cardiovascular Protection

Effective in improving microcirculation, softening blood vessels, and enhancing circulation to the heart, brain, and extremities, Cistanche deserticola protects cardiovascular and nervous systems, benefiting those with cold extremities.

7. Relieving Constipation

Cistanche deserticola is believed in traditional Chinese medicine to enter the kidney and large intestine meridians, aiding in moistening the intestines and relieving constipation. It improves bowel movements, inhibits water absorption in the large intestine, and shortens defecation time, making it particularly effective for elderly, postpartum, and chronic constipation.

Suitable and Contraindicated Populations

Suitable for:

  • Individuals with chronic constipation, postpartum constipation, or constipation due to illness recovery.
  • Men with issues like seminal emission, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or low sperm count.
  • Women with conditions such as leukorrhea, infertility, cold extremities, menstrual irregularities, or lower back pain.
  • Hypertensive patients.

Not suitable for:

  • Individuals with frequent loose stools or diarrhea.

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